I guess everyone realizes that nobody's perfect. but I believes there are people outside who are willing to throw the thing up to the hill just because it's not perfect as what they wish for. I perceives that situation as they're giving up on an incomplete puzzle when the tiny little missing part is beyond their sight. Thus, they consider the puzzle not more than a piece of junk since since it does't appear as what was portrayed on the puzzle's box.
That's a bit harsh, rite?. But I'm pretty sure it does happened in our life, at least once. What makes thing different is just whether we are the poor guiltless puzzles or the one who dare to left those puzzles behind .Or can we be both, sometimes?
Well, we can be demanding if we are reflecting for our own sake but, don't be greedy, okay. As the matter of fact, what's good for others is not necessarily also best fit to us....
Yeah, we'll be happy if every single thing in our life is just perfect. But, you know what, it'll be more gleeful once we've decide to look deeper beyond the imperfection. Only then, we would be able to see all the fate and destiny(Qadar) that Allah SWT wrote down on each of us. And remember,we may have some certain choice and decision, but it is Allah SWT that holding the real key of the outcomes.
Surah Al-Hadid (The Chapter of Iron) verse 22 states:
“No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees (Al Lawh Al Mahfooz) before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah.”
''Tidak ada sesuatu kesusahan (atau bala bencana) yang ditimpakan di bumi, dan tidak juga yang menimpa diri kamu, melainkan telah sedia ada di dalam Kitab (pengetahuan Kami) sebelum Kami menjadikannya; sesungguhnya mengadakan yang demikian itu adalah mudah bagi Allah.''
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